Public Speaking, marathons, & curveballs will make any millennial sweat. It would make a person of any generation sweat for that matter.
What does public speaking, marathons, & curveballs have to do with insurance? Specifically life insurance?
Public Speaking
Remember in high school or college when you had to give a speech in front of an audience? Your palms would become sweaty, your mouth would dry up like a desert, and a pit would appear in your stomach out of know where.
Now imagine if your teacher called on you out of no where to give an improtu speech. Talk about stress!
It makes you wonder, how does someone look so comfortable talking in front of people? It’s like a super power. Maybe that’s a stretch…but how do they do it?
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
Jerry Seinfeld
Let’s change gears for a minute. Look up on the World Wide Web to see where you can run a marathon next weekend.
Yes, you heard me correct.
With no training – go run that marathon next weekend.
A bit ridiculous…?
Yet, if you had invested the time in training for next weeks marathon, you would be looking through a different lens.
I dare you to train for a marathon, and not have it change your life.
Susan Sidoriak
Try stepping in the batters box to hit a nasty 12-6 curveball. You see the pitcher release the ball. You’re planning for one thing and the bottom drops out leaving you scratching your head.
The key to those break balls life gives us is preparation.
A person doesn’t learn to hit a curveball overnight. It takes practice and patience.
Life has a tendency to throw some nasty stuff at us the same way a pitcher dominates on the mound.
With enough practice you can hit a curveball. I’m not saying you will be hitting like Mike Trout. But with the right habits and processes in place, you have an opportunity to hit curveballs.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
Benjamin Franklin
What’s Next?
You may not find yourself Public Speaking, running a Marathon, or hitting Curveballs anytime soon. Nonetheless, you are sure to have some challenges in the future. Some of those challenges you will be able to prepare for. While others will be curveballs (figuratively).
The loss of a loved one brings with it enough emotions. The last thing a person should worry about is how they will afford next months bills after a loved one passes away.
Benjamin Franklin put it like this, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.“
Life insurance allows you to prepare financially for the sudden and unexpected.
I knew a teacher that once said, “proper prior preparation prevents poor performance“. She was right. It’s not a question of if, but when.
The beauty of living in the here and now is the access we have to information. Everything you want to know about life insurance is at your finger tips. Additionally, there are professionals, like ourselves, who are available to offer guidance. Allow someone you trust to properly equip you and your family.
Are you prepared for the public speaking, marathons, & curveballs life will throw at you?
“Term life insurance is part of a good defensive game plan.”
Dave Ramsey
Photo by Steshka Willems from Pexels.